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Are you looking for a modern illustrator to collaborate with?


As a freelance illustrator and graphic designer, I am more than happy to discuss your next project idea. I’m flexible to any art genre you wish and will agree with you an ideal draft before starting work. Together we can establish a clear vision of the

desired output and its uses. 

What is it like to work with me?

I am usually able to respond within 24 hours. We will then create an initial idea of your collaboration project and develop a timetable of costs, duration and a due date. I’m very open minded to feedback.

Initial Contact

All communication links are on the Contact page. (link to Contacts page) Via email or Messenger are the quickest, but I am available on the phone.



What is the Brief?

You may already have an idea of what you’re after or you might need some help to develop your brief. We will understand the products use ‘is it for print or online?’ ‘Is it local, national or global in scale?’ and ‘How long will you be using it?’. For commercial customers we will also agree the use and licensing of the product, including times, markets and territories the illustrations will be used for.


What style are you looking for?

I am flexible to most genres but mediums are quite limited. Most of my products are produced by watercolour or acrylic (water-based mediums), pencil and digital. But from minimalism to pop art I can produce a variety of styles.


What will the illustration be used for?

Whether it’s for a local business or an individual the usage of the illustration will determine, exposure, budget and potential life; depending by the duration of license and area of use. 



Before we start work on the commission you will want to know ‘How much will the project cost?  I normally email my client a quotation based on their specific requirements as every project is different. Once the quotation has been agreed I will send a confirmation of our agreement. 



How long will it take?

There are six simple steps to the final output. The duration will depend on our agreed timeframe. I work on a project fee rather than an hourly rate. Once work has started this sequence begins:



1. Initial design

Depending on the project, a rough draft of the illustration will be produced and emailed to the client via email or Messenger etc.



2. Feedback

Comments and feedback are sought from the client and we discuss what changes should be made. 



3. Development

We develop the illustration to its finished look. The development of the illustration evolves from sketch work to refined edges and gives it a clean look.



4. Finalise

Comments and feedback are sought from the client and we discuss what changes should be made. 



5. Final Tweaks

Client may have some more feedback about the design and further tweaks are made to the product and approval agreed.



6. Delivered

Once the client has approved of the final design, delivery of the product is then discussed. 

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Afterwards I will then send an invoice to the client, my standard terms are 14 days and anything other than this should be by prior arrangement.

With the project to an end my last request to the client is to review my services via social media platforms e.g. Facebook, Twitter.

Commission Prices

  • Personalised portrait: depends on project fee. Estimate cost: £60 - £70

  • Book illustration: depends on project fee.


    • Book cover/jacket design

      • Hard cover

      • Paperback 

    • Book interior design

  • *Icon Design

  • *Display Design

  • *Infographic Design


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